€ 120
Gold price+producing:
€ 990*
* The price of th ring can change depending on the size and production nuances.
The current gold price 75.00 EUR per 1 gramm
Saule spīd ozolā.
Situ koku pie kociņa,
Lai tek saule vakarā:
Tā tek mana māmulīte
No jaunuma vecumā. Ltdz.
Aiz tā resna ozoliņa
Neredz saules līgojot:
Aiz tā ļaužu bargumiņa
Nedzird` savu bāleliņu.
Rota veidota izmantojot vairākus latvju rakstā plaši izplatītu zīmju motīvus. Galvenā ir Ozola jeb Akas zīme. Varam saskatīt spēcīgu Dieva svētības, dzīvības un gaismas Zelta krustu, kā arī saulītes četros galvenajos stāvokļos gada aplī un piektā – zīmes vidū. Ozols ir arī gada zīme.
Saule spīd ozolā – t.i. pasaulē un cilvēka dvēselē. Zīmes simbolizē pilnību, spēku, pārliecību un ticību saviem spēkiem. Tā ir arī pretī stāvēšana, uzticība, spīts.
Sargā visu lietu kārtību, tradīciju vērtības, mīlestību, patību, veiksmi dzīvē.
This jewelry is presented along with the beautiful presentation of the description, making it a great gift!
The most important benefits, if you order gold jewellery in our manufacture:
- The price of our manufactured gold jewellery is made by current stock exchange value of gold and jeweller’s labour costs, therefore the total cost of our gold jewellery for one gram will be only 90-100 EUR, and it is approximately 50% less, than when you buy it in a gold jewellery shop (usually 130-170 EUR per one gram)
- Please pay attention, if the price is lower or similar, the gold jewellery made in our manufacture is heavier than the imported jewellery, where the manufacturers are more interested to produce very light jewellery, in order to save up on gold. Therefore, even visually massive products are very light and fragile.
- It is always possible to polish or if needed to repair free of charge the golden jewellery, which was produced in our manufacture.
General information about ordering the gold jewellery:
- The gold jewellery is manufactured only after the order has been made.
- The total production time is up to 10 working days.
- When you make the order, you will have to pay in advance to cover the costs of manufacturing (see MANUFACTURING).
- We accept also the gold from client to manufacture the jewellery. In this case there is no need to pay in advance.
- The approximate amount of the golden jewellery is formed by (see MANUFACTURING+GOLD), its approximate weight is multiplied by the current price of the gold per 1 gram*, and adding to the result the costs of production.
- Take into account, that in the frame MANUFACTURING+GOLD the indicted amount will slightly change, because it depends on the size of the ring and the nuances in the manufacturing process. The precise price of the jewellery can be determined only when the jewellery is manufactured.
- The weight of the jewellery is determined in the following way: the real weight of the jewellery +10%, made up by irreversible loss of gold, that is formed during the manufacturing process - melting, grinding and polishing.
- The designated costs refer to classical (red) colour gold jewellery. The jewellery that is manufactured from yellow or white gold, manufacturing costs will be two times higher.
- Engraving costs in our manufactured products is 1.20 EUR for one sign.
- When you order jewellery in Internet, please specify the text of the engraving in the part SHOPPING CART